Proposal for Reforming Our Madrasa Education System Based on the Outline of an Ideal Islamic Education System - Professor Abubakar Rafiq Ahmad

The first system is based on faith in Allah, belief in divine laws for the overall welfare of humanity, taqwa (the fear of accountability in the afterlife) as the source of morality, and the Prophet's example as the best model. The second system is based on human-made laws, with the preferences of the people as the foundation of sovereignty, entirely dismissing the concept of divine law and accountability in the afterlife.

A Proposal for Solving the Problems in Madrasa Education - Abdullah Al Arif

Islamic education has been a vital demand for the people of this country. However, it's unfortunate that Islamic education has not been properly established due to the lack of Islamic governance. Our education system has a history spanning several centuries. During the Muslim rule, this education system was relevant to the times and produced national leaders, government officials, and diplomats.

The Madrasa Education System needs to be upgraded - A conversation with Shah Abdul Hannan

English-educated individuals should be more attentive to learning Arabic. On the other hand, the mistake of madrasa-educated people lies in their education system. Especially in the Qawmi madrasa system, I don't think it meets the demands of the current time, era, and Islam.

Islamic Perspective on Business Education - Professor A.N.M. Nurul Karim

The Creator of the universe, Almighty Allah, has provided a model for life through His prophets, and this is Islam. The guidance that began with Prophet Adam (AS) was completed with Prophet Muhammad (SAW), which is Islam. A society where the majority of people follow Islamic principles is known as a Muslim society. When such a society formulates its education system, it must naturally be based on the fundamental principles of Islamic ideology. Islam provides important guidelines for all aspects of human life.

Islamization of Medical Science - Dr. Muhammad Golam Muazzam

Medical science refers to the study of the structure of the human body, its functioning, the causes of diseases, the changes in the body due to diseases, diagnosis, treatment methods, and prevention strategies. Since this science deals with the human body (and mind as well), and Islam is for humans, there is a necessary link and harmony between the two.

Islamization of Agricultural Education in the Present Context - Professor Tazul Islam

Everything from clothing materials, medicines, firewood for cooking, houses, furniture, gardens, food such as rice or bread, fish, meat, milk, and even books and stationery for education, depends on agriculture. Agricultural development has been responsible for the rise of ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Babylon, and those along the Indus and Ganges rivers. History shows that the rise and fall of great civilizations have been closely linked to agricultural progress.

Women’s Education in Islam - Professor Dr. Abul Kalam Patwari

Islam is the eternal religion of universal humanity, perfected through the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the historical progression of human civilization. As a comprehensive way of life, Islam provides guidelines for physical, moral, and spiritual development in this world, as well as for ultimate salvation in the hereafter. The Prophet (PBUH) himself introduced an Islamic education system aimed at acquiring true knowledge about the Islamic way of life and fostering a model society.

Happiness, Peace, and Education - Dr. Ahsan Habib Imrose

Happiness and Peace – Two small words, but within these atomic words lies the fundamental goal of all human activities, both in this world and the hereafter. Even the millions of creatures in the universe are not beyond these. Wealth, cars, fame, and status are often thought to bring happiness and peace, according to common human belief.

From the Pen of Shaheed Abdul Malek

We scoff at the words of the so-called religious leaders and dismiss their claims based on how much they align with our conscience. When we imagine a religious person, we picture someone in a long, somewhat dirty robe, with a tasbih in hand, and we mock them as backward and superstitious. When we hear the name of a religious book, our mood sours, and we wish we could toss those centuries-old dusty books into the river. This is the perception of religion among the so-called progressives in our society.

Our Education: Some Thoughts - Dr. Kazi Din Muhammad

Over thousands of years, humanity has developed various methods to prepare children to become functional members of society. In every era, great individuals have emerged to heal the ills of society and establish truth and justice.