Shaheed Moshiur Rahman

৩০ জুলাই ১৯৯৩ - ১২ জানুয়ারি ২০১৩ | ১৫৫

বাংলাদেশ ইসলামী ছাত্রশিবির

শাহাদাতের ঘটনা

155. Shaheed Moshiur Rahman, 12 January 2013

Events of martyrdom:

On February 28, 2013, Shaheed Moshiur Rahman was martyred by gunfire of police, BGB and Awami Chhatra League, when he was among protesters who were protesting against the court verdict of Allama Delwar Hossain Sayedee. Shaheed Moshiur Rahman was a Shibir associate, and a class 11 student of Mirzapur Qasim Uddin Degree College

At a glance

Name: Shaheed Moshiur Rahman
Father: M Anwar Hossain
Mother: Morsheda Begum
Siblings: Elder among 2 brothers
Permanent address: Village: Islampur, Post Office: Deulpara, Union: Bairati No. 16, Upazila: Mithapukur, District: Rangpur
Organizational value: Associate
Last study: Mirzapur Degree College, Class 11
Place of martyrdom: Mithapukur

এক নজরে


Shaheed Moshiur Rahman


M Anwar Hossain


Morsheda Begum

জন্ম তারিখ

জুলাই ৩০, ১৯৯৩

ভাই বোন

Elder among 2 brothers

স্থায়ী ঠিকানা

Village: Islampur, Post Office: Deulpara, Union: Bairati No. 16, Upazila: Mithapukur, District: Rangpur

সাংগঠনিক মান


সর্বশেষ পড়ালেখা

Mirzapur Degree College, Class 11

শাহাদাতের স্থান


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