Shaheed Kutub Uddin

২৮ মার্চ ১৯৬৫ - ১০ জানুয়ারি ১৯৯৩ | ৫১

বাংলাদেশ ইসলামী ছাত্রশিবির

শাহাদাতের ঘটনা

51. Shaheed Kutub Uddin, 10 January 1993

The events of martyrdom
On 10 January, Chhatra League terrorists kidnapped HSC candidate and Chhatra Shibir activist Kutub Uddin and killed him with using sharp weapons, at the calm environment of Fatikchari Degree College. His house is located at Fatikchhari, Dhurang, Chandmia Sadodagar Bari.

At a glance
Name: Shaheed Kutub Uddin
Father: Muhammad Abdul Bari Sodagar
Mother: Rahima Begum
Birth Date:
Siblings: 4 brothers 3 sisters
Permanent address: Chan Mia Sodagar Bari, Dhurang, Fatikchari, Chittagong
Organizational value: Worker
Last study: HSC, Fatikchari Degree College
Place of martyrdom: After being attacked, later disappeared; his body was not found even today. The type of injury is not known.

এক নজরে


Shaheed Kutub Uddin


Muhammad Abdul Bari Sodagar


Rahima Begum

জন্ম তারিখ

মার্চ ২৮, ১৯৬৫

ভাই বোন

4 brothers 3 sisters

স্থায়ী ঠিকানা

Chan Mia Sodagar Bari, Dhurang, Fatikchari, Chittagong

সাংগঠনিক মান


সর্বশেষ পড়ালেখা

HSC, Fatikchari Degree College

শাহাদাতের স্থান

After being attacked, later disappeared; his body was not found even today. The type of injury is not known.

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