রবিবার, ৩১ ডিসেম্বর ২০২৩

Set-up of Chhatrashibir for the 2024 Session Completed

President: Monzurul Islam
Secretary General: Jahidul Islam

Alhamdullah. With the immense grace of Allah, the Central President election and Secretary General nomination of Bangladesh Islami Chhatrashibir for the session 2024 have been completed. Through the online voting of members across the country, Monzurul Islam has been elected as the Central President. Jahidul Islam has been nominated as Secretary General.

Today, December 31, at 10.00 AM, under the anchoring of Assistant Election Commissioner and Former Central President Matiur Rahman Akand, Chief Election Commissioner and Former Central President ANM Shamsul Islam announced the name of the newly elected Central President in the Central Member Conference of Chhatrashibir at Shaheed Abdul Malek Auditorium in Dhaka. After announcing the names, the Chief Election Commissioner of Chhatrashibir administered the oath to the newly elected Central President.

From December 29, 2023 (8 PM) to December 30, 2023 (8 PM), online voting for the Central President Election was held simultaneously across the country.

According to the constitution of Chhatrashibir, the Central President, in consultation with the Executive Council, nominated Jahidul Islam as the Secretary-General for the 2024 session.

Former MP Prof. Mujibur Rahman, Honorable Acting Ameer of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, attended the conference as the Chief Guest under the chairmanship of recently departed Central President Razebur Rahman. Former central presidents were present as special guests.

In the speech of the Chief Guest, acting Ameer-e Jamaat said, "Life is the name of a brief period of time. And success is the name of specifying everything in life for Almighty Allah. Therefore, in order to implement the rules of life given by Allah and shown by the Prophet (SAW), in addition to gaining extensive knowledge of the Quran and Hadith, the pleasure of Allah must be given priority in all activities.

Chhatrashibir’s manpower should be at the top in the realm of knowledge. The conditions for the success of the Islamic movement must be fulfilled by giving the utmost importance to the Islamic movement at all times. We must be an example of competence and good character. Emphasis should be placed on the rights of parents, family, neighbours, country and nation. Oppression, torture, good times or bad times, they must always take an oath to remain firm on faith. Maximum sacrifice means maximum success in the Hereafter. Prophet (SAW) strongly desired to be martyred in the path of religion. So the believer has nothing to lose."

He said that Rasul (SAW) said, "The best ruler is the one who loves the people, and the people love him". But the current government does not love the people, and the people do not love this government. As a result, the people are entirely crushed and living in a state of distress. There is no safety of life and property in the country. That is why we want to dismiss this fascist government and establish a people's government. Our movement is going on and will continue till the people's government is established."

He also said, "Individuals, societies and states guided by humanistic doctrines can never bring real welfare and peace. It is an established truth today. The perfect law is the law of Allah. The nation will get the expected rights, welfare and peace only if this correct provision can be established on this land. That is why we need to intensify our activities.

Chhatrashibir has proved that they are the name of uncompromising strength and resistance against injustice. As a result, the nation's expectations are high towards Chhatrashibir. In order to fulfil this expectation, maximum efforts should be made in the manpower of all levels of Chhatrashibir. We firmly believe that Chhatrashibir will be able to give the nation the much-anticipated Golden Bangla, InshaAllah."

He prayed to Allah with humble words for the newly elected Central President, newly nominated Secretary General and the manpower of all levels.

Newly elected Central President Monzurul Islam said, "The main purpose of our involvement with this movement and all activities is to gain the pleasure of Almighty Allah. Therefore, all the people of Chhatrashibir should give utmost importance to self-purification and dawah next year. We have joined that struggle, every moment of which is favourite to Allah. And Allah is enough for us. Therefore, by facing all challenges, we will move forward to build the dreamt Quranic society by creating the expected citizens through the highest qualifications and sacrifices, InshaAllah."

The newly elected Central President has requested prayers from the people of the country including the responsible persons, manpower and well-wishers at all levels of the organization.

Note that the newly elected Central President, Monzurul Islam, has served as Secretary General, central office secretary, central literary secretary, central planning and development secretary, central HRD secretary, central publicity secretary and Rajshahi City Branch President, respectively. He graduated from the Department of Arabic at Rajshahi University. Currently, he is an MBA student at a private university.

The newly-nominated Secretary General Jahidul Islam previously served as Central Office Secretary, Central Literary Secretary, Central Publications Secretary, Central International and Debate Secretary, Narayanganj City President and President of Jagannath University.
He completed his Honors and Master's from the Department of English at Jagannath University. Currently, he is studying in the HRM department at a private university.
